Quarta e Odinn, qual a relação?
Quarta-feira é um dia dedicado à Odinn desde os ancestrais nórdicos devido ao termo "odinsdagr", em Old Norse, que quer dizer Dia de Odin. Wednesday, vem de "wôdanes dag" (antigo saxão) e de "vôdnes dag" (anglo-saxão), provenientes de idiomas que originaram o inglês.
Portanto, querido amigo, querida amiga, se tens apreço por Odinn hoje é o dia perfeito (fora todos os outros da semana) para cultuar e honrar Seu nome e Seus ensinamentos.
Ofereça cerveja e carne de porco, recite seus ensinamentos incluídos nos Eddas, seja honrado e glorioso todos os dias!
Uma bela música para enaltecer o Senhor dos Aesir:
I sing of the tales of the wanderer
The rider of yggdrasill
He gave up an eye into mimir’s well
Where deeply, he drank his fill
For nine long nights, old hárr, hung he
In search of the spoken spell;
The runes that he found drew sounds for man
And down, from the tree, he fell
A snake, he slid through gunnloð’s court;
The mead of poetry sought;
Three sips, and he fled as eagle’s wing;
By suttung, was never caught
Two sticks on a beach hárbarð had found;
His brothers heard his call;
He gave his own breath and his blood to the wood
And told them of his hall
“Valhalla holds the einherjar
“Who’ll fight on vigrið plain.”
As fenrir sinks his fangs to the bone
The life of odin will wane
Fear not, my kin, of the ragnarók,
For fimbultýr truly has won;
He saw his own death at the end of time
And whispered this to his son
Música escrita por Karl Donaldsson e interpretada por Pedro Costi.
Haill Allfather!!!
Odinn Blessadur!!!
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